Papillon (non performance) @ BACKstage - Backlit - NotLost Festival

The title of this work (Papillon is the french word for a butterfly) is somewhat over titled as my appearance was little more than that, there was no performance as such other than the interaction of myself an the audience. I would speak to people who either knew me or didn't know me about the very physical transformation I have gone through by showing photographs of me from my twenties.

The outfit and the overall way I chose to present myself at this show is all very uncharacteristic of me as evident by the photographs but throughout the evening I was also collecting an anecdote of how people who knew me well were not able to recognise me. I felt that I had achieved a metamorphosis fantasy I had from my school days where I may one summer holidays reinvent myself into someone completely different. I took great pleasure in the experience and sharing it with people who were meeting me for the first time.

Backstage is part of the NotLost festival

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