Wes & MAMA’s Quartet of Queer Experiences - Witte de With Festival

Wes & MAMA’s Quartet of Queer Experiences was part of the Witte de With festival know as Wereld van Witte de With in Rotterdam. My contribution as one of the quartet was my over the top billing as "the strongest man in the world" who has come to Rotterdam to defeat the city in a series of open challenges to members of the Dutch public as they take me on in one-on-one speed eating bouts.

I was successful in every speed eating challenge with the only exceptions being yoga and a drinking competition where I was defeated, those two lucky contestants getting to take home the coveted trophy much to the relief and appreciation of the crowd.
I was of course invincible at sprouts, ate 6 Reese's peanutbutter cups in the time it took a lady to eat 4, ate three chicken nugget happy meals in the time it took a dutch child to eat one, was challenged by 'Skip' who was young and fresh in his baseball cap to eat three cheese burgers, but I wiped the floor with him. Dutch favourites such as bitterballen and turkse pizza were no problem, nor was the 9 doughnuts. It was just the litre of chocomel... From now on ONLY EATING CONTESTS!

This is my favourite pic from vit-e-mine